
Monday, March 1, 2010

Letter from congressmen Dave Camp

Dear Anthony:
Thank you for contacting me.
I appreciate knowing your views on health care reform. I recognize that the high cost of health care is affecting nearly every American. Congress should act in a responsible way to drive down health care costs crippling individuals and businesses alike, and expand access to affordable health care options for those who lack health care coverage. This is an issue that should have strong bipartisan agreement.
Yet, over the objections of Republicans and Democrats alike, trillion dollar health care bills were rammed through both the House and Senate. I do not support either of these bills because they do nothing to lower the rising costs of health care premiums, slash Medicare by half a trillion dollars and spend taxpayer money that we do not have. In recent weeks, Democratic leaders have acknowledged that the existing bills do not have sufficient support to pass, and are considering new approaches.
I have offered an alternative plan, H.R. 4038, the Common Sense Health Care Reform and Affordability Act, that I believe could be a basis for finding common ground. My bill is a step-by-step approach to comprehensive health care reform that focuses on immediate reforms to lower health coverage costs - the first step to expanding coverage - without raising taxes, without cutting Medicare, without spending over $ 1 trillion.
It is my hope that Congressional leaders will work on a bipartisan basis to find^ common ground. I believe my alternative proposal is the responsible way to start. I encourage you to view my plan online at Thank you again for contacting me.

Member of Congress

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