Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Froozen apples
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Bee with a heavy load
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Change the grease the pork is frying

All you people that voted Obama in to office wanted change. Well your going to get it but it's not going to be the give me money free ride you all think he well give you. Your life as you know it is about to change for the worst Maybe one day you all will stop drinking the cool aid and wake up before it’s too late. But I doubt it. There is a new cook in DC.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Do's any one think this Federal bailout is a bad idea?
We the people of this grate land are about to get rolled over the barrel once again by the good old boy’s in Washington DC and big wigs of Wall Street. Once again we get to pay through the nose with taxes for a government quick fix by throwing billons of tax dollars at a problem. That should have been fixing years ago when Mr. Clinton was in the white house, I can see decades of finger pointing, congressional committees, law suits and yes book deals and TV news show appearances. I’m no financial genus, But even I no that throwing money at a problem only makes the problem bigger, and the tax payers poorer.
It’s time for strait talk and strait deals. Stop the political how ha and start fixing the problems. I have one political pull that I intend to use to my fullest this fall my vote. I am going to what tall the very last moment to decide who to vote for this year. I’m going to read about, lessen to, very person I can how is running for an office this year. And if I don’t hear strait talk from them about the problems of today and tomorrow then they are not getting my vote. And I encourage my fallow Americans to do the same. Go to political rallies, lessen to the news, though most news shows are very one sided and just that a show, talk to your family, friends and neighbors. If you don’t get the strait talk from then, then go to a different poetical rallies, turn the channel to a different news show, talk to all your family, and talk to all your neighbors to find out how is talking the strait talk and how is not. Then do the one thing no one can keep you from doing VOTE.
Yes I know we will be paying for the good old boys of DC and Wall Streets debacle for years to come. But if we have any say in it and we do. Come next year they won’t have a job. And just maybe we will have some one talking strait, and making this land as grate as it can be for every one.
The cry has gone from USA, USA, USA or Obama, Obama, Obama to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.
I hope your grand children’s, grand children like paying HIGH taxes.
There plump, ripe and juicy.
So theses are the people that voted YES on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. (HR 1424) bill. They are the ones we need to vote out of office. It’s now time for you to stand up and be an American and vote these people out of office.
(YEAS from the house list)
Abercrombie | Foster | Pallone |
And theses are the senators that voted YES on Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. (HR 1424) bill.
Akaka (D-HI) | Domenici (R-NM) | McCaskill (D-MO) |
Political humor
Hay did I see President Bush and Secretary Paulson on TV down in Texas at Bush’s ranch. They where in bush’s back yard burying mason jars full of money? Bush said he had lots of work to get done in the next two months. Can you say depression – lame duck – not in touch with what is going on around you?
Then you have Obama saying He was just a neighbor I hardly even new hem and Mr. Arafat. We had drinks together two three times a week that’s all. Can you say two face. (P.L.O Politically- Lacking -Organization (or well say or do anything to get in to office or moven On
Mr. McCain is running around the mulberry bush with a pocket full of weasels. Yelling pop goes the weasel, POP goes the weasel, POP goes the weasel? I know I know you never really know what he's thinking. I’m voting I’m not voting, I’m debating I’m not debating. Can you say Senility?
I’m surprised that Sarah Palin is even on the campaign trail, the fall salmon run is on. Can you say let’s go fishen? OPS we’re not suppose to pick on girls. I’m sorry Sarah wink wink-wink
Poor Barney Franks got his shirt tail caught up in the Bill O Reilly spin cycle and he’s still flabbergasted. Can you say get out of office? Or should go to jail.
Joe Bidden is one of the good old boys of the belt way. Do I need to say any thing more? How about go home Joe go home.
The View five Hollywood women setting around trying to out shout & talk over each other. Can you say cluck-cluck-cluck? Why don’t you girls get real jobs and help America get out of debt. I know Gods a woman and I’m going to hell. What man isn’t?
New saying for chides hanging out at the play ground. ERP ECONONAMIC RESUIE PLAN Can you say slang for leaky lead duck? Or help us jesses the belt way boys are at it again. Or Wall Street craps shut come on seven Daddy needs a new pair of shoes.
(Note this is political humor only. NO candidates where harmed or experimented on in any way, shape or form. And I am not publicity correct)